Monday, June 05, 2006

Goals Rehashed

Well, hell, I've failed miserably at working on my goals. I'm not sure what it is about January. Perhaps it is the newness, the feeling of a fresh start, the mental sense of starting things over, but I had some great goals. I've accomplished none of them, in fact, the waste away in the corner gathering cobwebs, forgotten in the midst of a life filled with the here and now rather than what could be.

They weren't particularly strenous goals, but it has been easy to push them aside. So now it is June and I need to give them some attention. I've been lazy, content to float along without really pushing myself. I set a goal of writing everyday. To be honest, I forgot. But that is an easy one to fix. Maybe I should put a big sticky on my laptop commanding me to write? My other goal was to lose weight, another one which I have been half-hearted in accomplishing. I did warn hubby this would be the beginning of the end this week. Summer is here and it is time for lighter foods. So that is what I am aiming for.

We are mid-year, how are you doing with any of your goals?

On another note, I found something interesting to do with the kids this summer and I talk about it over at Search for the Good Life.