I have an excuse for everything. Well, not everything, but definitely for my lack of writing. And most of the time I believe them.
Myth: It’s the holidays, I’m too damn busy to write
Truth: I have time to read all the blogs and play computer games plus most of my shopping is done.
Myth: I have writer’s block
Truth: I’m writing this, aren’t I? Plus I just finished a workshop over at Romance Central's Forums. I can write anything I want, there is no block.
Myth: I’m unmotivated.
Truth: Motivation is self-created. We make our own motivation, it is not like the weather for which we have no control.
Myth: The kids are driving me crazy.
Truth: Well, this is true, but it has been true for the last 5 years, so it really doesn’t play into my writing.
Truth: I am more concerned about the chance of my work selling and whether or not an editor is going to bother reading it.
Myth: It should dictate everything I write.
When I first started writing, I didn’t worry about the market. I didn’t worry about whether I had a story that could sell or characters that fit the ideal of an editor or agent. I wrote the story of my heart as it were. I wrote what gave me pleasure. Now that I’ve started submitting, I find much of the joy has left my writing. I try too hard. Does this story have the right hook? Does it have the elements required to sell a novel? I really resent this way of thinking. I long for the days when I sat down and wrote for the pure pleasure of it. I think back fondly to the time when I didn’t have a clue what a “guideline” was. Sadly enough, I can never return to that place. I need to find the balance between what my mind and heart want, forcing them to work together to create a book I can be proud of and enjoy writing.