Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Post-BIAW Syndrome

Last week Melissa and I hosted a Book In A Week at Villa in Tuscany.  Some of these writers really pushed and got some awesome word counts out.  There were also writers who tried.  They may not have reached their goals but they put in the effort and tried.  I admire their dedication.  Bad hostess that I am, I did not keep up my end of the bargain.  My writing went kaput.  I did have some excuses, but none were good enough to excuse my lack of effort.  I did post some nice pictures but I sadly did not post any writing totals.

I’m not one to beat myself up too much for blowing a BIAW, I’ve done it before and will no doubt do it again.  But the interesting thing is the aftermath.  I wrote five pages yesterday and so far I have eight pages today.  Why this sudden output?  Maybe I’m just slow on the uptake.  A lot of jokes go over my head.  Maybe the manic need to write was building like a big geyser and now I’m bursting with creativity.  Who knows, but I am thrilled.

In my spare time I’ve been fiddling around with MySpace.  Love this toy.  I spend an inordinate amount of time looking for stupid graphics to send to Nienke and Chrys.  I think they really appreciate it *snort*