Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Is it any wonder?

I just finished reading "The Prey" by Allison Brennan. Great book but dark and violent. My own writing tends to be violent and dark. I have no problem forcing my characters into horrible, deadly situations. Because I've been through worse and I'm guessing Allison has too.

I've gone shopping with my kids.

Saturday dh and I packed up the tribe and went to Costco. "How much longer are we going to be here?", "Can I have this?" "Are we going to be here much longer?", "Can I have that?" "I'm sooooo tired."

Is it any wonder I had a minimum 20 body count in my last story?

Last night I took the two oldest to Target. Son had a gift card and he wanted to get a Nintendo game. That was easy. Except, right after he paid for it, he was ready to go. His sister had some allowance money she wanted to spend. She spent 40 minutes in the freakin' toy department. She found these ugly dolls, Groovy Girls which are really expensive. The accessories are outrageous. She couldn't just pick out a Barbie. Heck, they had tons of those and they were reasonable. She ended up getting a ball. Yeah, a ball. So they were ready to go, except I had my own shopping to do. "Can we go now?" "Can we go to Starbucks" "I'm tired."

Yeah, is it any wonder I feel violent at times?