Friday, February 16, 2007

Island in the Sea

I don't know what it is, but I have an overwhelming desire to run away to an uninhabited island (except for a five star resort) and do nothing except read. Reading is the ultimate escape for me, like a security blanket or Valium.

And yeah, I want to escape.

Things are getting busy at the ol' casa. Thing had her kindergarten shots this week. I register her for school the first week of March. Her school has cut down the number of kindergartners next fall so it is essential I get there the first day. My school district has open enrollment. As long as you live in this city, you can register your kid for whatever school you want in the district. For some reason, my kids' school is the tres chic school. I have the advantage of having two kids there already and I'm active with the school. However, I don't want to take any chances. Girl Scout cookies come in next week and my house is going to be Cookie Central, until March 12.

March 12 begins the remodel. My contractor was here the other day doing some final measuring. The project has grown from being just the kitchen to doing my dining room, living room, hallway and bathroom. He tells me he can get it done in 3 weeks. We shall see. While I can't wait to see the results, the chaos is going to be immense. And lets not talk about the money. When he told us the cost, I left the room and found something alcoholic to drink.

Baseball is in full swing. I am way too old to be doing this. I'm so tired after practice and I'm just coaching. But it is going to be a fun season, I can tell.

I've got the first 3 chapters done on my sequel book so now I can start on something new. I'm struggling. I have a fantasy in mind with a character who is about 5000 years old. How the hell do you do a character arc for someone that old? What can they learn? How can they change?

Hope everyone has a great weekend.

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